Hey everyone! DriftMania is inviting everyone to come out on October 22 and have a fun day of open track drifting. For the first time we will be drifting on the back section of the track!
Beginners and advanced drifters alike are welcome. Come and give drifting a shot for the first time, perfect your skills or test out your new setup.
Registration will take place at the gate and is first come first serve.
Saturday, October 22nd, 2005
St. Eustache Autodrome, Quebec.
- Oval Circuit and Road Course!
Driver Registration:
$50 (at the gate only) please arrive on time!
- Limited to first 40 drivers
- RWD and AWD
- FWD entry is limited and only through pre-registration. NO FWD allowed at the gate.
- Tech inspection and all regular season rules and regulations will be in place
Contact Info:
Marco Santos; marco.santos@driftmania.ca
Alberto Jannarone; alberto.jannarone@gmail.com
7:30am - Drivers arrive
8:00am - Tech Inspection (mandatory)
9:00am - Driver Meeting (mandatory)
Drivers will be classified into 2 groups:
(A)Advanced -- (B) Beginner
10:00am - Practice begins!
5:00pm - go home!
The rest of the schedule will be presented to you at the event.
Groups A and B will rotate between tracks approx. every 1.5hrs
Here are just some of the rules and regulations to be aware of:
Brakes must be properly bled and all seals in good condition, pedal and linkages must be free of excessive wear, play and malfunction or missing parts.
Snell SA95, MA95 or newer rating approved helmet - NO LOANER AVAILABLE
Remove all hubcaps, and cosmetic trim from all wheels
Seatbelts must be properly attached and in good working order, or aftermarket racing harness of at least 4 points attached to the chassis by methods approved by manufacturer, and must meet racing use requirements.
All lug nuts tightened to 80ft/lbs torque, with at least 4 turns on thread, and present at all studs on the hub.
Windows and windshields must be free of cracks or breaks over 1" in length, or 0.5 inch in diameter
Tires must have over 3/32 of an inch tread left on the tires and compound tread wear rating must not be under 100. (No race compound tires allowed).
All convertibles / open top / soft top cars must have roll bars equal or exceeding 4 points from unibody or sub frame
Thank you and see you at the track!
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