Stade Olympique: SCP4
Coming off the success of Canada’s first-ever SCN National Tour, Team SCP takes back home-field advantage with Sport Compact Performance 4, to be held at Montreal’s Olympic Stadium the weekend of October 17-18-19. With top-notch vehicles from across Canada and the United States competing in the nation’s most prestigious Show ‘N’ Shine Competition, and feature cars from the pages of Quebec Tuning, PASMAG and Import Tuner. For those of you that think it’s just another car show, think again…. SCP4. 58000 people can’t be wrong.
SCP4 was shot in the Olympic Stadium (Montreal Stade Olympique), former home of the Expos Baseball team. Correspondents JadeX, Grandmasta, Neonracer98, Protege, SiRGodfather, Soyabean, Twitch, and Kymberly hosts this special episode of "SCP4".
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Stade Olympique: SCP5
TEAM//SCP, producers of the BF Goodrich Sport Compact Nights Canadian Tour and the Sport Compact Performance Auto Salon is back in a big way for 2004! <more>
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