Full Throttle 2008
On Sunday July 13, 2008, Team SCP hosts the HOTTEST CAR SHOW OF THE SUMMER, Full Throttle at the St-Eustache Autodrome. Experience Continental Tires' Show&Shine competition featuring over 600 cars; including: Euros, Muscle Domestic, Japanese, Drift&Track, Lowrider, VIP's, and MiniTrucks. This year, Team SCP & Rocawear collaborate to produce the sexiest WET TSHIRT contest. Other key features of the show include: The Ikon Wheels SMOKE SHOW, Drift Demo, Hydraulic Hop-Off, and much more. With over 3000 spectators, this outdoor extravaganza will sell out!
Tel: 514.525.8818
Fax: 514.598.8601
Autodrome St.-Eustache - Montréal
1016, boul. Arthur-Sauvé
St-Eustache, Qc
J7R 4K3
Téléphone: (450) 472-6222
(514) 591-4388
De Montreal:
Autoroute 15 Nord
Sortie 21 (St Eustache) pour l'autoroute 640 Ouest
Sortie 11 (Boul. Arthur Sauvé) Nord
La piste est à 5km de l'autoroute 640 à votre gauche