Hey guy's do you have any idea how sick it's going to be this Sunday and Monday???
First Sunday it's the Final Round of the DM1 Series, and I just send the standings to the webmaster of driftmania.ca (don't know when will be up, tomorrow I guess)and the beauty of this sport make things really interesting, look at the top 3*jawdrop
1- #71--Nis S13----Ryan Tuerck.......East Coast Drifters..................18
2- #24--Nis S13----Phillip B.-Ruel......Ondergound Design Drift Team..18
3- #99--Nis S13----Haig Kanadjian....Automotion Drift Team.............18
4- #81--Nis S14----Kendrick Fong............n/a.................................13
5- #10--ToyAe86---Ben Alden..........East Coast Drifters....................10
6- #14--Nis S13----J-P Tuinstra..............n/a..................................8
7- #112-Maz FD----Brian McKenzie....East Coast Drifters.....................7
8- #17--Nis S14----Kevin Grenier..............n/a..................................5
And to imagine that this battle is going to be happening at night "NIGHT DRIFTING", it's just too crazy!!! CAN'T F***'N WAIT
And then to top it off am going to be doing demos with Seigo Yamamoto...I love it
Now Monday, CANADA vs. USA...do I really need to say more...hoh ya im competing for Canada and Seigo for the US, and theres more then just Tendem competition for that battle...it’s a Suprise
Sunday its 10:00am for the drivers arrival, and 3:00pm for the spectators and it goes on until 11:00pm!
8:00am 10:00am
- Drivers start arriving*
- Drivers registration begins (payment at gate)
9:00am 10:00am
- Drivers get to set up cars in pit area
10:00am 10:45am
- Technical inspection* and assignment of #’s to drivers
Monday as usual, from 7:00am for the drivers and 11:00am for spectators and goes on until 5:00pm!
Hope to see everyone there this weekend, cause I promise no one is going to regret it, specialy to see Seigo kick my ass! THIS IS THE SUMMER ULTIMATE SHOW...see you all at st-Eustache
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